Elsner weather station mounted on façade with closed blindsElsner weather station mounted on façade with closed blinds

FAQ weather stations, wheater sensors

The most frequently asked questions about weather stations and weather sensors from Elsner Elektronik

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our proven weather stations and weather sensors. We hope to provide you with a helpful resource to help you realise the full potential of our products.

Directly to the Service Form

Can I read out the data from a weather station?

Download WetterstationCom
Indication error

Why does the wind measurement constantly indicate 0 m/s or 24 m/s?

  • When installing for the first time, remove the protective sticker from the sensor.

  • The wind sensor in your weather station may be defective. Please send in your weather station for testing and/or repairs. Use the service form for this to get more information about its processing.

  • Repairs are no longer performed for the P00, P01 and P02 weather stations. These must be replaced by a newer weather station P03/3 (30107)

Indication error

Why does the wind measurement constantly indicate >3 m/s or <10 m/s?

  • The wind sensor is probably dirty.

  • Please clean the sensor with a soft brush.

Indication error

Why does my control system constantly indicate ‘rain’?

  • The rain sensor is probably dirty.

  • Please carefully clean the gold-plated conductor loops on the weather station with a cloth soaked in water.

Serial number

Where can I find the serial number of Elsner products? How do I read the serial number?

  • The serial number is located on the product and is composed of the date and an ascending two-digit number: DDMMYYXX.

  • In addition, the serial number is on the product packaging as a barcode in the following form: 0 0YYYYM MDDXXY. The first two digits (0 0) and the last digit (Y) are not part of the serial number.
You could not find the answer to your question?

We are happy to help you!

If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please feel free to contact our team of experts directly. We are at your disposal to help you further and support you with your individual concerns.

Headset lying on a computer keyboardHeadset lying on a computer keyboard